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Total cholesterol:HDL ratioUpdated 3 months ago

What is the total cholesterol:HDL ratio?

Total Cholesterol:Cortisol (TC:HDL) is an important metric of cardiovascular health that compares bad and good cholesterol. It is calculated by dividing your total cholesterol level by your HDL-C level.

Why is the total cholesterol:HDL ratio important?

The higher the TC:HDL ratio, the greater the risk of cardiovascular events. Total cholesterol is calculated by adding LDL-C (“bad” cholesterol), HDL-C (“good” cholesterol), and 20% of triglycerides. Even if HDL-C is high individually, you could still be at risk for cardiovascular events if LDL-C is even higher. Thus, the ratio can assess your risk much more accurately.

How can I better understand my total cholesterol:HDL ratio?

To better interpret your results, here are some values to refer to:

  • High risk: > 6 
  • Moderate risks: 4.5 – 6
  • Low risk: < 4.5
  • Very good: < 3.5

How can I maintain an optimal TC:HDL ratio?

For more information on how to improve your TC:HDL ratio, please refer to the Total Cholesterol and/or HDL-C biomarker pages. Additionally, you may also find the LDL-C and Triglycerides pages helpful.


If you are concerned about your TC:HDL ratio levels always consult your physician.

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