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Prolactin (PRL)Updated 3 months ago

What is prolactin (PRL)?
Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates milk production in women and testosterone in men. PRL also responds to stress, sleep, and interacts with other hormones like cortisol and thyroid hormones.

Why is prolactin important?
Abnormal PRL levels can indicate pituitary issues, including tumors. In men, high PRL lowers testosterone, leading to reduced energy, libido, and sperm production. In women, high PRL affects menstrual cycles and can cause galactorrhea (milky nipple discharge) and vaginal dryness.

PRL levels:

  • Men: <20 ng/mL
  • Nonpregnant women: <25 ng/mL
  • Pregnant women: 80–400 ng/mL

Maintaining optimal prolactin levels:

  • Diet: Increase tyrosine and vitamin C to lower PRL; reduce gluten.
  • Lifestyle: Limit alcohol and manage stress.
  • Supplements: Vitamin B6, E, zinc, and ashwagandha can help lower PRL. Fenugreek may raise PRL for lactation.


If you are concerned about your PRL levels always consult your physician.

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